Consultoria Protheus TOTVS

With the ERP Protheus you gather data from different areas in your company in only one place and, also, automates processes.

A EZ4 é uma Consultoria homologada à TOTVS e tem como objetivo facilitar a usabilidade do sistema, fazendo com que você extraia todo o seu potencial e obtenha os melhores resultados.

Market segments that the ERP Protheus comply with

gronegócio 📷 Logistics 📷 Manufacturing 📷 Retail 📷 Services 📷 Education 📷 Hospitalidade 📷 Construction

Main functionalities of the system

Compras Realização de pedidos de compra, análise de cotações, alçadas de aprovação das compras, nota fiscal de entrada e muito mais.

Estoque/Custos Inventory management, movement and traceability of items management and stock consultation.

Main functionalities of the system

Faturamento Has an interface for the creation of virtual invoices, also automates some tasks related to the commercial rules and business management analysis.

Main functionalities of the system

Financeiro An essencial module for any company that counts with functions such as cash flow, bank automation, bills to pay and receive, applications and loans, treasury and more.

Main functionalities of the system

Tax Calculates taxes, generates statements, deals with tax books and all accounting issues that give headaches even to experts in the field. As TOTVS is a Brazilian company, the module handles only national supervision.

Main functionalities of the system