Increase the productivity of your company
With EZ4 Consulting, you use all this resources with their maximum potential!

The solution management TOTVS HR enables your company for the eSocial and other tax and labor obligations and offers mobility for employees through the app My HR, that allows the scheduling of vacations, allowance requests and payments queries.
Let's schedule a TOTVS HR demo?
Eletronic enrollment of employees, Detailed payment envelope, Parameterizable calculation formulas, Cost registration and management, and more.
Eletronic point control
Schedule planning, Integration with different homologated REP's, Supports Portaria 1.510, Supports Portaria 373 and more.
Work health and safety
Candidate, employee and health professional registration, Exams registration and management, and more.
Labor Litigation
Control and follow labor litigations, Control and follow the litigation costs, Manage witnesses, resources and litigation sentences and more.
Employee Profile, Payroll demonstration/report income, Vacation management, Allowance request, eletronic point control system, Team management and more.
Clock in By Carol:
Eletronic point with facial recognition, Artificial intelligence, Geolocation, Dynamic Collection - Liveness (anti-fraud), Agnostic solution, Offiine solution and more.
Besides its solutions catalogue, EZ4 has expertise to support its clients' projects with users training, TOTVS Protheus Support modules, as well as customizations, to bring improvement to processes.